Pipe Organ Service
Parkey OrganBuilders, builders of distinguished pipe organs, dedicated to creating pipe organs that possess musical integrity and tonal excellence.
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Pipe Organ Service

Maintenance and Tuning

Periodic maintenance and tuning are essential to protecting the stewardship investment of the church or university organ. Like any mechanical item, periodic maintenance and service will be necessary to keep a pipe organ in good condition. Our staff is well versed in the maintenance of many types of pipe organs and the many different organ builder’s designs.

pipe organ tuning

solid state pipe organ
In addition to mechanical knowledge, a number of staff are professionally trained church musicians and many are currently active performers. This adds greatly to our insight on the needs and situations required of your instrument. When you talk with our staff, know that they understand your needs.

Often we find organs have simply been neglected or poorly serviced, giving the impression the pipe organ is in much worse shape than it is in reality. Resetting temperaments and re-pitching divisions can have a dramatic effect on sound of the organ.

pipe organ actions

We would be glad provide an assessment of your instrument and its condition. We invite you to contact our office for an appointment.

Ask for Phil Parkey at 678-296-6693 or email Mr. Parkey at [email protected].