Windchests are “processing” down the aisle for loading onto the company truck. They’ll get a complete re-leathering overhaul.
Parkey OrganBuilders employee Otilia Gamboa makes sure all pipework is securely packed and labeled for transport to our shop in Norcross, Georgia.
Our shop crew assembles newly re-leathered windchests, pipe-racking supports and refurbished swell shades in our erecting room.
The console’s cedar exterior is stripped, and its interior is completely gutted. New wood stain and sealers freshen and protect delicate wood. All new keyboards, relay wiring, capture action, stop solenoids and drawknobs will replace the 40-year-old console’s failing mechanisms.
All pipework is thoroughly cleaned and dried before being re-set on windchests.
Our in-house laser machine precision-cuts new tilt tabs and drawknob heads.
The organ renovation and installation was completed Summer of 2014. The organ received extensive tonal revisions and additions.