Console Renovations
Parkey OrganBuilders, builders of distinguished pipe organs, dedicated to creating pipe organs that possess musical integrity and tonal excellence.
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Console Renovations

12:20 25 June in Church Organs, Renovations & Restorations

Console renovations are one of Parkey OrganBuilders’ specialities.  Our shop inventory includes this solid oak, 3-manual Möller console from the 1960s.  We can refit this beauty with new keyboards, wiring, capture action, memory levels, stop solenoids, drawknobs and tilt tabs in several styles and materials. Exterior wood will be stripped and refinished.  The console will be completely up to date and ready for the demands of church services and recitals.

pipe organ console renovation

1960s Möller Console


If your console is outdated and in need of a facelift, Parkey OrganBuilders can customize a rebuild to your specifications.

Ask for Phil Parkey at 678-296-6693 or email Mr. Parkey at [email protected].

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